Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I won!!!

Hey, folks. President B.O. here. I can't believe I actually won. I mean, can you?! OMG! OMG! Can you believe that enough flag-burning nuts and uninformed 18-year-olds who think I'm "hip" actually made the trip to the polls and stood in line and actually did something? I know I haven't accomplished much in my life, but even McCain would have to admit that peeling those slackers away from their X-Boxes and ganja long enough to pull the lever for me was practically a miracle.

Maybe I am the messiah after all. Heh. Sometimes I believe my own hype.

Anyway, I am certainly thankful to all those do-nothings for actually doing something and getting me elected. I wonder what they expect in return...

Spreading the wealth around,
President B.O.

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